Jyothirgamaya spreads its wings to the state of Tamil Nadu, with an orientation and mobility training for 30 Blind people in Nilgri District, Ooty a multilingual and...
We whole heartedly thank Mrs. Uma Kalyani, a well known yoga trainer and nutritionist from Uma’s Nutriyoga for her continuous support and encouragement towards the...
Our students of the new batch participated in NAMB, the CLIMATE ASSEMBLEY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH-2023 held at the Kerala Legislative Assembly in honour of World...
Jyothirgamaya Foundation conducted access technology summer camp exclusively for visually impaired teachers who came here inorder to improve their technology skills and...
We thank Mrs. Uma Kalyani from Uma’s Nutriyoga. She is a well known dietitian, yoga trainer and nutritionist. She conducted a wonderful session on nutrition and healthy...
A Small Initiative“Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at time”.Yes, even a small initiative make a lot of...
“Break the barriers and stereotypes” is what we teach our blind students.We took our current batch students to GOGOLAND, located in the Poovar Islands, Trivandrum...