Jyothirgamaya Foundation conducted its first Echo location workshop, from the 6th to 14th of November. This is indeed a unique art in the history of orientation and mobility. This art of echolocation-navigation system was devised by the famous American Blind and a visionary, Mr. Daniel Kish the founder of “World Access for the Blind”. One of his ardent follower and co-worker Mr. Tomas Tajo, a Blind Echolocation & Perceptual Navigational Teacher came all the way from Belgium to conduct this intense workshop for our visually impaired participants at our Jyothirgamaya campus. During this workshop our Blind participants, learnt how to identify objects by their shapes and sizes such as plates, bowls, clothes and pillows, identification of outdoor objects of mother nature such as walls, trees, plants and bushes, the use of cane techniques along with echo location on busy roads and in parks, how to develop a good tongue click and a good clap which would enable us to identify various objects only by their echoes. In this workshop nine of our old students participated and eagerly learnt all the techniques. We thank all our students for taking off from their perspective jobs and education and coming to participate in our workshop. The program ended with a leisure trip to “Veli Tourist Village” in Thiruvananthapuram where some of our students had the opportunity to experience horse riding.We thank our partner collaborative German organisation Fernbeziehung, whose representative Mr. Samuel Brielmaier was physically here to help and guide us and mentor us in each step of the workshop. We thank this organisation for all its support. We would also like to thank our caring friends, Mumbai and Deepam Foundation for their overall support and kindness. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to our individual donors Mr. Rony Joseph and Mr. Rajpal Singh for their kind support and constant encouragement. Finally we thank our staff and team members for their selfless work in making this workshop a grant success.