The first ever inclusive fashion show Jyothirgamaya takes part in proudly.
Olympics and other activities for people with disabilities is being organised on the 13th of November by Big Friends, Big FM and Sanathalaya. In view of this, as a promotion Big Friends organised an inclusive fashion show on the 5th of November, Saturday which included people with disabilities, cancer patients and other achievers.
Our Jyothirgamaya students participated whole heartedly in this fashion show. We were also joined by Sristi KC, the Founder of Blind Rocks, an organisation working for inclusive arts and which is known worldwide.
Sristi KC is an international dance performer, a motivational speaker and a lover of inclusive arts and fashion. This fashion show was a wonderful experience for our students. Our students Manoj, Rajesh Heera, Adarsh and Christi all took part in this event. They looked magnificent in their costumes.
They were all presented with gifts by Big MJ Sumi and Kidilam Firoz from 92.7 Big FM. We thank all the Big friends team and everyone else who made this event a great success.