Tiffany Brar
About Tiffany Brar
Tiffany Brar became blind six months after birth due to an overdose of oxygen, however she did not let her blindness stop her from reaching the sky. She has faced and successfully overcome several challenges which have given her the drive and determination to start Jyothirgamaya. Her early education in Great Britain, focused on learning by doing.After that,she returned to kerala,India where the regional language was the primary mode of instruction in blind schools. Working around the linguistic barrier was only the first of the many challenges faced by her as she was educated in both schools for the blind as well as integrated schools.She would sit at the back of the class, had to wait for a long time to get her Braille notes and was not taught necessary survival skill sat the right time. It was at that tender age of eight, that she vowed that she would do something for her fellow blind colleagues.. At the age of 12 she lost her mother, which instilled in her even more determination, to fend for herself, fight her battleson her own and help others. After completing her degree she started working, which enabled her to travel by herself and sharpen her mobility skills. She visited many blind organizations, and people, and found that there were many back benchers, who were fighting discrimination, and who lacked skills. She went on to do her B.ed. special education, from Ramakrishna mission Vivekananda University, and then she started a mobile blind school, where she travelled to the homes of blind people in the nooks and corners of the state, trying to impart training to them, in all necessary skills. She has worked hard to lead by example, and counseled parents to allow their blind children to venture out and live normal lives.Over the course of her work,she learned six Indian languages. In the year 2015, she realized that much more had to be done, and she started the Jyothirgamaya Foundation to take forward the mission of empowering the blind.Jyothirgamaya Foundation provides training to blind people in rural areas, who are unable to come to the training center, and also residential training courses to blind people in all necessary skills paving the way for their employment, integration, and assimilation in to the mainstream.
Click here to watch Life story of Tiffany Brar in ZEE Tv
Click here To watch Tiffany Brar’s_The sky’s the limit TEDx KodaikanalInternationalSchool
Click here to watch Tiffany Brar Receiving National Award from the President of India
Awards and honors Women of the Year Award from Hope Trust, in 2015
For the Sake of Honour Award, Rotary International’s highest award, in 2016
The Prestigious Saarthak Naari Women Achievers Award in 2016
Bold and Beautiful Award from Doordarshan, in 2017
Sarojini Trilok Nath-National Best Role Model Award from National Association for the Blind in 2017
The Age of Unknown Award by TEDx vazthacaud, in 2017
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