Orientation and Mobility

Orientation and mobility is a vital aspect in the life of every individual with visual impairment. It is one of the major aspects which enable them to live a successful productive and free life. Therefore, Jyothirgamaya takes a wide initiative in training all blind people in Kerala in orientation and mobility skills so as to make them completely index orientation and mobility pendent.
The ability to define position and direction for movement based on the use of all available senses. It is all about perception and knowing the world around you.
Mobility is defined as the skill to travel independently, safely, and efficiently with or without the use of mobility devices.
Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
The combination of the two stands for ‘goal-oriented movement’, ‘purposeful movement’, knowing where you are, knowing where you came from, and knowing where you are going to.Due to overprotection on the one hand and negligence, on the other hand, many blind people lack immensely proper mobility skills. They are always confined within the four walls of their houses and are not allowed to venture out unaided.

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